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Adapting to a Post-Pandemic Manufacturing Landscape

While the COVID-19 pandemic has brought many challenges to Canada’s manufacturing sector, several business leaders have seen success in spite of it. Let’s discuss how to modernize our companies for a post-pandemic marketplace.

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There’s no doubting that the Canadian manufacturing sector has seen significant upheaval since the COVID-19 pandemic’s beginning. Through long periods of uncertainty, manufacturers across the nation have had come to terms with issues in labour, supply, transportation, and health and safety, among others. Not all of the pandemic’s impact has been negative, though — by rapidly changing their methods of production, distribution, and recruitment, many manufacturers have found themselves leaving this crisis in far better shape than they entered it. While it can be difficult to change focus from long-standing traditional methods of operations to new, unfamiliar ones, doing so allows manufacturers of any size or industry to better connect with modern consumer bases. By examining the benefits of adapting to timely production processes, you’ll discover that revitalizing your business’s activities is key to success in today’s manufacturing landscape.

The suddenness of the COVID-19 pandemic caused a great deal of uncertainty in both manufacturers and consumers. This fear was further compounded by a sharp drop in national and global stock markets, which many saw as a sign of reduced customer demand in the foreseeable future. Only a few months after the pandemic began, though, it was clear that this anxiety was baseless — product and service sales reached record highs in a wide variety of industries, and consumers’ willingness to purchase goods suited to their new lifestyles was apparent. Now, as we enter the second quarter of 2022, sales across the globe are booming, and stock prices in Canadian businesses have reached a record high. From these events, manufacturing leaders should take away the fact that demand for their wares has never been greater, and that, by being able to effectively meet this demand, they can achieve profitability unmatched by pre-pandemic levels. Keep in mind that the demand for your business’s goods isn’t just limited to Canadian audiences — as discussed in previous Newsroom material, Canadian products enjoy a strong international reputation in the pandemic’s wake, making these markets ripe for capitalizing upon.

Once your business understands the size of the audience it has gained throughout the pandemic, your next challenge is in meeting this demand through consistent supply. As Canadian manufacturers are doubtlessly aware, supply chain issues have been a constant challenge throughout the entirety of the pandemic, and problems with recruitment and absenteeism have only expounded this obstacle to success. Fortunately, the solution to these issues is one that most manufacturers are already familiar with: Lean enterprise management. Lean thinking has been used throughout many manufacturing departments in countless organizations to strengthen productivity and reduce waste. By applying these same principles to the act of shipping their goods, companies can optimize every part of their production processes. Also keep in mind the Kaizen methodology of stoking continuous improvement — continuously revising your business’s long-held practices with the support of knowledgeable subject matter experts is a vital aspect of innovation. EMC’s range of manufacturing experts have a strong understanding of Lean and Kaizen activities, and are eager to discuss how they can be applied to your organization.

While the COVID-19 pandemic has introduced unprecedented disorder into the manufacturing sector, being able to overcome and learn from adversity is a critical element of leadership. By taking a rational look at the opportunities presented to your business by the last two years’ events, you’ll find that sustainable prosperity has never been easier to achieve.

To discuss opportunities to learn more about modernizing your manufacturing business’s processes, please contact Kevin McCormick, Manufacturing Consortium Manager at EMC. Attend EMC events frequently for expertise specialized to the Canadian manufacturing sector.