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Experience sharing of expertise, ideas and resources to achieve world-class performance

Become a Member

Being an EMC member provides the perfect forum for building new ideas, discussing innovative concepts, and creating firm relationships with Canadian manufacturers. Bringing people together at the grassroots level is the foundation of Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium, and what makes us unique in our field.

Membership Application Form

Why Become a Member?

  • Connect with other manufacturers who have “been there, done that”.
  • Enjoy a confidential environment to learn and explore best practices.
  • Gain exclusive access with plant tours.
  • Participate in benchmarking exercises.
  • Obtain feedback from peers on issues and challenges.
  • Join a group dedicated to accountability and taking action.
  • Access our team of dedicated professionals for support on a wide range of topics.
View Consortium Regions
Why Become a Member?

Our Member Benefits

Annual Membership Includes:

Apply Today!
Our Member Benefits

Member Application Form

As an inclusive organization, all employees of our member companies can access our resources and benefits at no additional cost. Ask us how!

EMC's head office is located in Owen Sound, Ontario and is staffed by a dedicated team of experienced people to ensure you receive the most from your membership. If you are interested in becoming an EMC member, please contact us for more details.

Multi-facility discounts are available.

1. Company Information:

Applicant Information:

Membership Options & Fees:

Membership is based on a ‘per location’ basis with all employees in each facility included in the annual membership.

There are several membership options for organizations with one or more Canadian facilities. Please indicate your membership preference below, providing one complete application for each ‘Corporate family’ location applying.

  • All memberships are on an annual basis
  • Membership dues listed are plus HST.

    Membership Option

    Individual Facility/Plant (1 location, each)

    Membership Option

    Corporate Family (2 to 3 locations, each)

    Membership Option

    Corporate Family (4+ locations, each)

    Membership Option

    Non-Consortium Regions (1 location, each)

    Billing Information:

    Key Contacts:

    Please provide us with your company champion(s) in all areas of your organization. If you prefer not to include any key contacts, feel free to leave this section blank.

    Key Contact 1


    Please indicate which of the following EMC electronic publications you wish to receive: