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Bill S-211, Forced Labour & Child Labour Legislation Legal Overview

We have received many, many questions from Southern Ontario EMC members around the S-211 legislation and what they need to do. At this session we will be joined by Nic Preston, of Preston Legal, Workplace Lawyers. Nic will give us a overview and some framework around what this legislation means to manufacturers and what you need to do.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024, 9:30am EST

Forced labour can be found in every country and every sector. The International Labour Organization estimates that there are approximately 27.6 million victims of forced labour worldwide, including 17.3 million in the private economy. Forced labour and child labour risks occur primarily through the global supply chains of businesses. There is a risk that goods imported into and distributed in Canada were produced with forced labour or child labour. Entities and government institutions doing business in Canada have a responsibility to ensure that exploitative practices are addressed and eradicated from their supply chains.

The measures introduced through former Bill S-211, An Act to enact the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act and to amend the Customs Tariff (the Act), aim to increase industry awareness and transparency and drive businesses to improve practices.

Public Safety Canada.

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Our events take place on a regular basis, some virtually and some in-person, throughout all of our Consortium regions. As part of your EMC membership, you and your colleagues are invited to participate in any, and all events, that are relevant to your company - in any Consortium region across Canada!

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