Supporting women apprentices in Canadian manufacturing
Are you a woman apprentice, certified journeyperson, ally or employer with experience hiring women in trades? We want to hear from you.
HerJourney is funded in part by the Government of Canada’s Canadian Apprenticeship Strategy.
- HerJourney
- Training
- Workplace Assessment
HerJourney is an initiative committed to increasing the success, support, and retention of women apprentices in Red Seal trades within Canada’s vibrant manufacturing sector.
Specific objectives are to:
- Conduct research to understand the scope and unique challenges faced by women apprentices in manufacturing;
- Provide women apprentices with activities, support, resources, and training, including mentorship and leadership development services, to strengthen their desire to remain within the manufacturing industry;
- Increase visibility, understanding, acceptance of the unique challenges faced by women apprentices in manufacturing; and
- Provide employers with the resources and supports they need to take action to mitigate the identified challenges that women apprentices experience in manufacturing workplaces.
Inclusive Workplace Certification Training is now available through EMC's Manufacturing Essentials Certification training platform! This program is designed for anyone that works with, leads, or supports women apprentices, such as mentors, journeypersons, lead hands, supervisors and managers. Participants gain knowledge and skills to improve workplace culture and create inclusive environments that attract and retain diverse talent. For more information, or to register, click here.
National Mentor Development Program – Ongoing cohorts EMC is a partner with the Canadian Apprenticeship Forum (CAF-FCA) for the recently launched National Mentor Development Program for Women in the Skilled Trades designed to develop and enhance mentorship skills for women and gender diverse individuals in the trades. This virtual, 4-month program is facilitated by subject matter experts in collaboration with tradeswomen coaches from the manufacturing and construction sectors. The program is offered at no cost to participants from across Canada.
The HerJourney Workplace Assessment is now available! The assessment is an opportunity for employers to gain meaningful insights into their organization’s workplace culture and specifically what's working and what can be improved to attract and retain women in skilled trades and manufacturing roles. This easy-to-use tool collects workplace information and provides employers a customized report detailing clear and actionable recommendations tailored for each participating organization.
What does the assessment cover?
The assessment evaluates your company across four key areas:
- Attraction and Education: Attracting and educating women about manufacturing opportunities.
- Recruitment: Ensuring unbiased recruitment practices.
- Retention: Creating inclusive environments to retain women employees.
- Advancement: Providing equal opportunities for women's career advancement.
For more information please see our FAQ document or contact Tara Timmerman, Training Project Coordinator.