Workplace Impairment

There are a variety of factors that can impair an employee’s performance. During this session, participants will learn about the most effective ways to utilize suspicion about co-worker impairment, and analyze a wide variety of measured response strategies to address perceived issues with performance or attitude.


Course Summary:

There are a variety of factors that can impair an employee’s performance, and being concerned about a co-worker’s psychical and mental health outside of the workplace is a common behaviour. Confronting a fellow employee with unsubstantiated claims of impairment can seriously harm a professional relationship, though, and can further decrease that worker’s confidence or productivity.

During this session, participants will learn about the most effective ways to utilize suspicion about co-worker impairment, and analyze a wide variety of measured response strategies to perceived issues with performance or attitude. The material discussed in this course provides participants with the necessary skills to recognize and act upon suspicions of drug and alcohol usage, fatigue or anxiety, or poor mental health in a constructive, mutually-beneficial manner.

Discussed Topics:

  • How Ontario’s Occupational Health & Safety Act suggests responding to suspected impairment.
  • Understanding different forms of impairment in modern society.
  • Implementing policies and procedures for addressing suspicions of impairment.
  • Empathetically identifying and investigating different kinds of impairment.
  • Effectively communicating with co-workers suspected of being impaired.

DURATION: One (1) Three-Hour Session

LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: Participant Facilities or In-Person Classroom

SCHEDULE: Please contact Amy Edwards, EMC's Training Manager, at 1-866-323-4362 for upcoming course dates and times.

Training is available in English.

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Contact Information

Amy Edwards
Training Manager