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Transportation of Dangerous Goods

This course discusses all aspects of safe chemical-handling protocol. Manufacturing supervisors can utilize the material discussed in this course to further ensure their own workplaces’ Health and Safety standards through self-developed training programs, and facilitate continuously- efficient production activities when engaging with potentially-dangerous liquids.


Course Summary:

The effective, timely transportation of production materials is vital to any manufacturing organization, but improperly-loaded or -secured objects and fuel sources can pose risk to their carriers, manufacturing labourers, and the general public. This course thoroughly outlines the proper protocol for loading, transporting, and unloading potentially-hazardous materials during shipping processes, and discusses the importance of accurate labelling, documentation, and placarding in keeping carriers protected.

Course materials also identify the various forms of iconography used to denote dangerous materials on packaging, and describe a wide array of emergency response strategies in the case of an accident. By utilizing the information relayed in this course, carriers in any industry can ensure that their transportation activities are being perform efficiently and effectively.

Discussed Topics:

  • Identifying dangerous materials.
  • Effective scheduling, documentation, and placarding protocol.
  • Containing and securing hazardous materials during loading, transportation, and unloading processes.
  • Iconography used to denote hazardous materials.
  • Emergency response strategies for accidental releases.

DURATION: One (1) Four-Hour Session

LEARNING CLASSROOM: Participant Facilities or In-Person Classroom

SCHEDULE: Please contact Amy Edwards, EMC's Training Manager, at 1-866-323-4362 for upcoming course dates and times.

Training is available in English.

Ready for the next step in Health and Safety training? See EMC’s Health and Safety MEC program now, and keep building on your team’s knowledge of modern Health and Safety practices!

Contact Information

Amy Edwards
Training Manager