Supervision & Leadership 1: Core Competencies

Quite often, we promote excellent operators into leadership roles. And while they have demonstrated skills and experience in our processes and products, we need to assist them in developing into capable supervisors, managers, and coaches. These front-line leaders influence the largest population of employees, and it is critical that this group has the opportunity to acquire and practice the new skills they need to excel.
If the course is dedicated to your teams, the course facilitator can work with you ahead of time to add in any specific tools or templates you would like your teams to use. Examples include printing samples of your Corrective Action Request (CAR) or 8D form(s) for quality or safety incident investigations right into the course materials. We want this workshop to have a very high relevance for your team. Please contact us to discuss course customization.
Participants Will Learn & Apply These Skills:
- Review of Workplace Safety & Environmental Legislation
- How Supervision has evolved in the Workplace
- Strategic, Tactical, Reactive, and Proactive Activities
- Time Management & Prioritization Skills
- Employee Engagement & Commitment
- Improving Trust & Communication across Departments
- Interviewing & Negotiation Skills
- Situational Leadership for Coaching & Developing Others
- Feedback, Discipline, and Confronting with Compassion
- Effectively dealing with Substance Abuse & Violence
- Plus any other topics requested before/ during the course
Created & Facilitated by Value Stream Solutions: Value Stream Solutions Inc. was founded on the premise that companies should have the skills and abilities to continuously improve their performance year over year by engaging People, focusing on the Process, and delivering superior Product to their markets. We are a Training, Coaching, and Consulting company serving North American corporations in manufacturing and service industries. Our team has front-line expertise in Lean Enterprise, Six Sigma, Team Building, Leadership Development and Coaching. This gives us the ability to assist your needs to get the results you want. Our goal is to create self-sustaining capabilities within your organization.
Duration: 2 Full Days Location: Classroom