Earn a Microcredential
Lean Fundamentals
This training course equips participants with the principles and tools of Lean Thinking, enabling them to streamline manufacturing processes, reduce waste, and enhance productivity. Learn essential concepts like Takt Time, One Piece Flow, and Value Stream Mapping, and embrace the Kaizen approach for continuous improvement. Master the PDCA method to generate effective solutions and achieve continuous growth in your workplace.

This training course includes the following 6 modules and a hands-on project:
Module 1: Introduction to Lean Thinking
This module will introduce you to Lean Thinking which is a methodology that can help you work smarter, not harder. Lean Thinking helps prepare you for employment in manufacturing, participate as a member of a Lean or Continuous Improvement team, and further the skills to become a Lean Leader.
Module 2: Fundamentals of Lean Thinking
This module will build off what you have learned in the introduction to Lean Thinking module and will highlight the four fundamentals of Lean Thinking: Takt Time, One Piece Flow, Standard Work, and Pull Systems. By understanding these fundamentals and using them together, organizations can harness the power of Lean Thinking in order to deliver products of the highest quality at lower costs and with shorter lead times.
Module 3: Primary Tools of Lean
So far weʹve introduced you to Lean Thinking and some of its fundamental concepts. This module will build from what youʹve learned so far and introduce you to some of the tools used by Lean Thinking companies including Setup Time Reduction, the 5S Method, and Visual Control. These are simple, effective tools used by Lean thinkers to create process capacity, process capability, and make problems visible for further improvement. The last two modules introduced you to the philosophy driving Lean thinking and this course will show you how to begin implementing it.
Module 4: Thinking in Value Streams
As weʹve learned in the introduction, fundamentals, and primary tools courses, Lean thinking is all about identifying and eliminating waste in our business practices. This module will build on what youʹve learned and introduce you to Value Stream Mapping; a useful tool businesses can use to begin their Lean transformations. Understanding value streams helps to combat waste that is inherent to batch processing by reorienting the way we think about our operations and integrating processes instead of segregating them.
Module 5: Kaizen: Learn by Doing
When we looked at value streams, we learned that when we map out our desired future state it often becomes clear there are processes that need improvement. Kaizen is a method that helps us to make those improvements by focusing on everyday changes that can be made in our workspaces. Itʹs about identifying problems and implementing better ways to do work by simplifying tasks. If our future state maps show us where we want to get to, then Kaizen is how we can begin implementing it!
Module 6: Implementing Good Ideas
Good ideas come from everywhere, but where do they start? Do good ideas just pop into our heads? Is there a reason? How will we know if our ideas are good ones, or if they work? In this final module in our Lean Thinking series, we will explore the PDCA method, which stands for “Plan, Do, Check, Act”. PDCA is a methodology that helps us to structure the way we think about a problem so we have a better chance of generating effective solutions that can help us work towards continuous improvement in our workplaces.
Hands-on Lean Fundamentals Project
This short project helps learners to understand how to apply the lessons they have learned through the course within the workplace and everyday life.
What is a Microcredential? An award presented after completing a collection of learning activities of high value. Microcredential programs usually include hands on components or a blend of different learning formats.
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