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Introduction to Lean Principles

Lean Enterprise Principles are a collection of processes that workers can utilize to achieve their goals and expand their organizations without delay. This course serves as an in-depth introduction to the Lean Enterprise methodology, thoroughly outlining its implementation practices and impact on a business’s operational and financial success.


Course Summary:

To perform successfully in the modern manufacturing landscape, businesses must operate quickly, consistently, and efficiently, eliminating as much waste and redundancy as possible. Achieving this state is the goal of Lean Enterprise Principles — a collection of processes, practices, and activities that workers can utilize to achieve their goals and expand their organizations without delay.

This course serves as an in-depth introduction to the Lean Enterprise methodology, thoroughly outlining its implementation methods, influence on typical workplace practices, and impact on a business’s operational and financial success. The material discussed during this session can be applied by manufacturing employees of any role, department, or industry, and provides a detailed foundation to the concept of continuous improvement.

Discussed Topics:

  • Defining and analyzing value.
  • Understanding and protecting against waste.
  • Describing the five major Lean Enterprise Principles.
  • Identifying Lean Tools and examining their application in the workplace.
  • Discussion of Lean Tool implementation across various manufacturing departments and industries.

Course Outline:

  • Introduction to Lean Enterprise Thinking and according principles.
  • Discussion of the effect Lean Enterprise Thinking has on business processes.
  • Presentation and exercises surrounding the measurable improvements of Lean Enterprise Principles over established workplace practices.

DURATION: One (1) Day-Long Session


SCHEDULE: Contact Amy Edwards for dates.

Training is available in English.

Contact Information

Amy Edwards
Training Manager