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Supporting Industry through the Manufacturing Recovery & Support Program

Automation and Robotics - Where Do We Start?

With the continued support of ACOA, our goal is to provide assistance to Atlantic Canada organizations during unprecedented circumstances; to set a different mindset towards solutions. This event is for Atlantic Canada Manufacturers.

Thursday, April 13, 2023, 3:00pm AST

Manufacturers are aware of the many benefits that automation and robotics can bring to their business. With staff shortages and world competition, taking the first steps can be overwhelming. Join in on this event to discuss first steps.

Drawing on manufacturing experience, with engineering driven automation, this session will help build an understanding of the art of the possible. We will discuss practical steps to explore how you can start or expand your production operation using data, robotics, smart controls and good old-fashioned nuts and bolts.

Join us for an hour of eye-opening potential, exploring automation and robotics.

Opportunities & Funding

For nearly a decade, manufacturers have been using EMC’s Opportunity Alerts as a great way to grow their business finding qualified B2B sources from across Canada.

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Upcoming Events

Our events take place on a regular basis, some virtually and some in-person, throughout all of our Consortium regions. As part of your EMC membership, you and your colleagues are invited to participate in any, and all events, that are relevant to your company - in any Consortium region across Canada!

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