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A proud member of EMC and the Barrie/Midland Consortium

Franke Kindred Canada

On behalf of Franke Kindred Canada Limited Midland, we would like to thank our employee’s on achieving 10 years without a lost time injury as of April 18, 2015.

This achievement was not from one single thing or person; but everyone’s commitment to support our Safety Program. Not only did we reduce lost time to zero, but we have seen over the 10 years a reduction of Medical Aids by over 75%.

It was a multiple of fundamental elements once put together allow us to be where we are today. The elements that contributed to this were the introduction of lean manufacturing 6S, over the last 10 years major investment in equipment upgrades to meet & exceed MOL requirements, being part of the EMC/WSIB Advantaged Safety Group Program, dedication of our Joint Health & Safety Committee, an active Continuous improvement process that aims to improve our process and safety, lastly a program that is supported by management and all workers.

When you add all the elements we have a winning team that can empower us all too continuously improve and take ownership of our health and safety.

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