Supporting Industry Through the Manufacturing Resilience & Support Program
Coaching and Mentorship
With the continued support of ACOA, our goal is to provide assistance to Atlantic Canada organizations during unprecedented circumstances; to set a different mindset towards solutions, to be innovative in exploring circumstantial opportunities while ensuring the well-being of an over-extended staff, to fill vacant positions and yes, even grow!

We can in no way assume the specific challenges, or maybe even opportunities each individual manufacturer faces, but this program is an opportunity for you to raise your hand and receive some relevant, funded support.
We understand many challenges manufacturers were facing before the pandemic have been accentuated. We are here to support you in growth and moving forward!
Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium (EMC) in partnership with Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) has launched a coaching program helping manufacturers better understand the current situation they face by identifying and supporting a clear path forward.
Coaching & Subject Matter Expert Support
With EMC and ACOA’s Recovery Coaching sessions, manufacturing leaders receive hands-on support for facilitating improved productivity and engagement throughout their organization.
Up to 40 one-on-one opportunities are available. These opportunities are available on a first come, first served basis. Coaching sessions are intended to provide individual manufacturers or leaders with hands-on support in planning, mapping and deploying steps to return to productivity, as well as engage improvements along the way.
In-Person /On-Line Workshop Learning
Lean / CI Workshop Series Tentative Session Titles
- Increase your Personal Productivity
- Understanding Current State
- Defining a roadmap to Improvement
- Automation as a Lean Solution
- Problem Solving
- Customizing you Lean Tools
- The CI side of Green and Clean Technology
- Creating a Lean and Green Culture
Human Capital Workshop Series Tentative Session Titles
- The HR Perspective on Becoming an Employer of Choice
- Self-Awareness & Leadership
- Compensation and Benefits
- Talent Acquisition and Recruitment
- Performance Management and Development: Driving Employee Success
- Continuous Improvement and Future Trends: Staying Ahead of the Curve
- HR Best Practices: Ensuring Compliance and Transparency
- Employee Experience and Workplace Culture: Measuring Success and Driving Engagement
In-House Subject Matter Expertise Engage a subject matter expert in house to assist with your goals related to Human Capital or CI Up to 75% funding, to a max of $6,000 contribution, with a recommended or preferred consultant.
Contact Information
Looking for more Information? We can help.